Dr Best, 8c, flash by Alex Megos

© Julian Söhnlein

Alex Megos on Hockenheimring, 8c, Frankenjura
© Julian Söhnlein
Alex Megos has managed to flash Markus Bock's Dr Best, 8c, at the Holzgauer Wand in Frankenjura, Germany.

After returning from his successful trip to the Hanshelleren cave at Flatanger, where he repeated Thor's hammer, 9a+, and Odin's eye, 8c+, Alex Megos is now back home in Frankenjura. On his first day of climbing there, he managed to flash Dr Best, 8c, as well as making the first ascent of Hockenheimring, 8c, and repeat Dr Best plus, 8c/+, a harder variation of Dr Best. Alex commented on facebook that it was "Sad to see that there is some Sika in the route to create unnecessary holds..."

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

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10 Sep, 2015
3 8c's in a day inc. a flash and new route!! It seems like every time Mr. Megos or Mr. Ondra go anywhere near a piece of rock something newsworthy comes out of it.
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