Woods & Graham make repeats at Flatanger

© Courtney Woods

Daniel Woods on Thor's hammer, 9a+, Flatanger, Norway.  © Courtney Woods
Daniel Woods on Thor's hammer, 9a+, Flatanger, Norway.
© Courtney Woods
Daniel Woods has made the 4th ascent of Adam Ondra's Thor's hammer, 9a+, and Dave Graham made the 2nd ascent of The Illusionist, 9a, both in the Hanshelleren cave at Flatanger, Norway.

Daniel is, not entirely without good reasons, best known as a boulderer, but this hasn't stopped him from climbing several routes in the 9a-9a+ range. Clocking in around 60 meters, Thor's hammer is hardly what you'd call a boulderer's route, which makes Daniel's ascent all the more imoressive.

As it turns out, not only Daniel had a good day in the cave.

Dave Graham on fb: Well I sure didn't expect much when we started warming up yesterday, most of the crag was saturated with humidity, I was still feelin pretty sore and haggard from the last session, but then my dawg @dawoods89 made a super inspiring ascent of the beast rig Thors Hammer [9a+] which got the crew all fired up, so I decided to give my secondary proj a proper send burn for the hell of it, and boom, made the 2nd ascent of The Illusionist [9a] !!


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Dave Graham has been a top boulderer and sport climber for nearly two decades. He has made the first ascents of a huge number of cutting edge boulder problems including The Story of Two Worlds, Big Paw and...

Dave's Athlete Page 41 posts 5 videos

29 Sep, 2015
Thor's Hammer doesn't just look hard, it looks 'Ronnie Pickering' hard.
29 Sep, 2015
Thanks for the laugh, I needed that! The routes at Flatanger look nuts, surely the worlds first 9c will be put up here in the next 10 years? :)
29 Sep, 2015
Super impressed with Woods' ascent. Just wouldn't have thought he'd even attempt a route like that, let alone have the endurance to complete it. If the Illusionist was Graham's secondary project I wonder what his primary one was?
30 Sep, 2015
30 Sep, 2015
That's what I wondered too.
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