Neil Gresham's FreakshowVideo

© UKC News

We recently reported on Neil Gresham's first ascent of Freakshow (8c) 8c at Kilnsey. Lukasz Warzecha of Polished Project has just released a new video of Neil's highly specific training and preparation for the route.

"As soon as you start saying "I've got to do it now", you've blown it because your head's just going to go to pieces."

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Neil has performed at a high level in every discipline from Deep Water Soloing to Sport, Ice and Traditional climbing for over two decades. In the UK he made the third ascent of Indian Face (E9 6c) in 1995 and the second...

Neil's Athlete Page 29 posts 10 videos

13 Oct, 2015
what exactly is he on about when he says he doesn't have the build of his contempories? The dudes a freakin' animal! I'm sure he does train differently to the others but he doesn't look like he had nothing to start with.
13 Oct, 2015
Onya Neil!
13 Oct, 2015
Nice one Neil (and Lukasz and team) - great vid, great effort. Jack
13 Oct, 2015
Beast! Is the full footage of the ascent going to be released does anyone know?
13 Oct, 2015
Maybe he means he's being held back by the fact that his each one of his arms probably weighs about the same as Adam Ondra.
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