Alex Megos hits Wales

© Ray Wood

Alex Megos bouldering in Wales  © Ray Wood
Alex Megos bouldering in Wales
© Ray Wood
Alex Megos has made quick work of a number of hard problems while in Wales for a DMM athlete meeting and climbing festival.

From his instagram: Still had a few things I left from last time so this afternoon I could tick off Pool of Bethesda, 8A+, Malc's Start, 8B, Halfway House, 8A/+, Directors Cut, 8B, East Coker, 8B and Louis Armstrong, 8B. So it's been a good day out!!

In his usual modest way, Alex explains that it's not such a big deal because I did an 8A+ first, which was the stand start to an 8B I did after. Then I did another 8A+ which was the stand start to another 8B. This 8B was 20 moves long so my style.

Then I did another 8B with almost 20 moves so as well my style. And then I did another short 8B.

So it's sometimes just stand starts to others and longer so my style.

He does agree however that super human strength and skill might help just a tiny bit as well.


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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

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18 Jun, 2016
Surely if Alex said that Louis Armstrong was soft and when Danny Cattel climbed it he graded it 8A+ then it should be 8A+ not 8B
18 Jun, 2016
Alex Megos *hits* Wales. Hmm, I shall resist the temptation to ask what with ... but at least Wales wasn't 'crushed'. Small mercies etc etc Fecking Americanisms! Oh deary me, definitely becoming (even more of) a grumpy old git ... :-(
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