Wideboyz Smash Staffordshire Nose RecordFri Night Vid

© UKC News

This August, 'Wideboyz' Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker broke the Staffordshire Nose Challenge record, knocking two and a quarter hours off the previous record and finishing in 2 hours 44 minutes. The challenge, also known as the Brown-Whillans Day Out, originally involved completing each of the Joe Brown and Don Whillans routes at The Roaches, Hen Cloud and Ramshaw in under 24 hours, but since Tom and Pete set the first record, it has become, much like The Nose on El Capitan, a test of speed, efficiency and insanity.

UKC were present throughout each stage of their journey, and can vouch for how exhausting just keeping up with Pete and Tom on foot was, let alone actually climbing the routes! A video has just been released by Dark Sky Media of their valiant effort...

  • Read a full UKC account of their challenge here.

Tom is also a part owner of The Climbing Station, a Director of Sublime Brushes, and a Director of Lattice Training.

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9 Dec, 2016
Interesting vid and maybe the shape of things to come for British rock climbing. With no new crags or new routes to go at future generations will have to create challenges like this, linking multiple routes together, to do something new or exceptional.
11 Dec, 2016
Fortunately future generations will still have all the existing routes to go at!
11 Dec, 2016
Pseudofractures are the way forward. I once did a VDiff with my hand in a splint.
11 Dec, 2016
That's unreal. Myself and andi originally tried this 10 years ago before anyone had done it. It was exhausting and we ran out of daylight , we left tails between legs and worn out straight to the pub. Good effort lads
11 Dec, 2016
Astounding - I doubt I could walk round the cliffs in that time! Chris
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