The Singularity finally repeated by Nalle Hukkataival

© West Mountain Media

Nalle Hukkataival has made the first repeat of Tim Clifford's Singularity, Font 8B+, at Squamish, BC, Canada. Tim put up the problem on 21 May 2007, so more than a decade ago. And it's not like no one has tried it...

Nalle Hukkataival on Singularity, ~8B+, Squamish, BC, Canada  © West Mountain Media
Nalle Hukkataival on Singularity, ~8B+, Squamish, BC, Canada
© West Mountain Media

So, an ~8B+ that has gone more than a decade without a repeat? Can it really be "only" 8B+?

This is what Nalle had to say:

'Singularity!!! Inspiring vision and persistence from Tim Clifford who opened the boulder over ten years ago without a repetition until yesterday! What an amazing boulder! So straight-forward looking, yet so intricate. Climbing something you've been hearing about for years always make it more special. Starting on the rail a bit lower seemed like the more obvious start to the boulder to me.

'Really extra tough to comment on the difficulty. The fact that it's fended off the efforts of a list of V15 climbers for over a decade must mean something. Does that suggest V15? Or make it a V14 that's just really hard to do? Is there a difference between those two?'

Good questions no doubt, and I'll leave it to Nalle and future repeaters to answer them...(but surely it must be ~8C, right?)

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Nalle Hukkataival is one of the world's top boulderers. He has made numerous ascents of climbs in the Font 8C-8C+ and in 2016 he became the first person to climb the grade of Font 9A with the first ascent...

Nalle's Athlete Page 18 posts 4 videos

22 Sep, 2017
I'm one of those punters that goes and feels the holds on things out of his league (and arguably greases them up for people who are actually good enough). I've felt those holds. They are beyond grim. I'm quite impressed by Nalle's rather fast repeat from the lower start, and even more impressed by Tim's original send.
23 Sep, 2017
"And it's like no one has tried it..." I'm guessing that should read: "And it's not like no one has tried it..."
23 Sep, 2017
Yeah, sort that out UKC! The problem is right in the middle of one of the most popular bouldering areas on earth, just a few minutes walk from parking. Innumerable strong climbers have tried it or at least touched the start holds.
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