Soul Resolution - An Irish Bouldering FilmVideo

© David Fitzgerald

Soul Resolution is an Irish Bouldering film made by David Fitzgerald. The main areas that the film covers are based in County Wicklow and it showcases some of the best bouldering in Ireland over a period of two years.

David told UKC:

'I grew up in Wicklow and ironically, didn't start climbing until I moved to Dublin for university. Wicklow, nicknamed the 'Garden County', offers some of the best quality granite I've ever climbed on, even compared to some of the best parts of Switzerland that I've visited. Many of the climbs that are featured in my film are located in beautiful but very remote areas of Wicklow, often isolated as stand-alone blocks. This makes the process of completing them even more rewarding to me.

There are few climbers here in Ireland who are pushing the limits of what can be climbed outside, so the quantity of difficult boulders is quite low. In some ways, as with precious gems, this lack of quantity only adds to the enigma and notability of each climb. Aside from my own first ascent or two, the entire collection of problems that are shown in my film were all first climbed by either Michael Duffy or Ricky Bell. Together, they continue to push the standards of climbing in Ireland further and further with each year. The true credit goes to them.'

Problems in order of appearance:

Afro Left Sans Block (8A) Second Ascent
Snake Eyes (8A) First Ascent
Intergalactic (8B) Second Ascent
Electrojet (8A) Second Ascent
The Model (8A+) Second Ascent
Pepsi Max (7C+)
White Lines (7C) Second Ascent
Night Crawlin' (7C)
People of the Sun (8A+) Second Ascent
Derailed (8A) First Ascent
Primer (7C)
The Buddha Extension (8B) Second Ascent
Wonderland (8B) Second Ascent
Soul Revolution (8B+) Second Ascent

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18 Jan, 2018

Great film - captures everything great about bouldering

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