Perfecto Mundo, 9b+ first ascent by Alex MegosNewsflash

© Ken Etzel

Alex Megos on Perfecto Mundo, 9b+, Margalef, Spain  © Ken Etzel
Alex Megos on Perfecto Mundo, 9b+, Margalef, Spain
© Ken Etzel
Alex Megos has made the first ascent of Perfecto mundo, 9b+, at Margalef - Zona del Panta North, Spain, thereby becoming the third person to climb this grade after Adam Ondra and Chris Sharma.

After the Meiringen bouldering World Cup in mid April, Alex drove straight to Margalef where he "wanted to try some projects".

He worked the old Chris Sharma project together with Sharma himself and Stefano Ghisolfi, who also ended up belaying him on the send go.

On Instagram, Alex says that he is

"...incredibly relieved. This has been an important process in my climbing career and clipping the anchor of "Perfecto Mundo", my first 9b+ as well as getting the FA was an incredible experience.
Thank you to @chris_sharma for bolting this thing and the good sessions over the last couple of weeks and big thanks to my good friend @steghiso for belaying me on the send, for being a big source of motivation and a great inspiration to me."

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

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9 May, 2018

Awesome :)

10 May, 2018

Cool. Not surprised that Megos got it first. Presumably the fastest ascent of a route of that grade? It doesn't sound like he found it too hard. Part of Sharma's comment was: "Now you have to go find something that’s actually hard for you."

Video of an attempt:

10 May, 2018

Best with the sound off, otherwise 'Allez. Allez. ALLEZ! Allez. allez. aaa-lllez! allez. Allez. Alleeez! Allez. Allez. ALLEZ!' etc Time he changed his name to Allez Megos

10 May, 2018

Bit strange, an American and an Italian shouting French at a German in Spain? 

10 May, 2018

May be it is, because Alex is half greek - You have considered this aspect?

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