Fat Lip 8B by Frances Bensley

© Frances Bensley

26 year-old Coventry-based climber Frances Bensley has repeated Fat Lip (f8B) 8B at Raven Tor (Miller's Dale). In 2015, James Noble made the first repeat in 8 years since Steve Mcclure's first ascent in 2007. Fat Lip climbs Cave Problem 7B+ from the slot then traverses left to finish up Keen Roof 8B. Frances is only the third British woman to climb the grade after Shauna Coxsey and Mina Leslie-Wujastyk.

Frances Bensley climbing Fat Lip 8B.  © Frances Bensley
Frances Bensley climbing Fat Lip 8B.
© Frances Bensley

Frances started climbing at the age of 7 and has been climbing for 18 years. She competed as a junior, winning the Youth Climbing Series, and has continued to perform well in both bouldering and sport climbing over the years. Frances set herself the goal of climbing an 8b+ sport route and an 8A boulder this year. She told UKC:

'In April I climbed my first 8b+ (Kale borroka (8b+)) in Siurana and then set myself the challenge of projecting Pilgrim (V12) 8A/+ at Parisella's cave which I had tried on and off in the previous couple of seasons. After completing Pilgrim and enjoying an amazing first trip to Magic Wood, I came back feeling in decent shape. I was looking for a long term project and I had checked out Fat Lip previously this year. Feeling stronger than I had before on the Fat Lip moves made me think that with enough time and effort, it might be possible.'

Already ahead in her goals for the year, Frances had nothing to lose and committed fully to the cause. She explained:

'I think it is fair to say that this is the most single-minded and dedicated I have ever been with a project. I have never before put in so many sessions - 10/11 sessions over roughly a month and a half. The knowledge that the Tor becomes wet and out of condition during the winter months very much meant that if I wanted to climb Fat Lip this season, I would have to fight for it a little. Luckly this time, it all paid off for me! I'm glad I don't have to make the 4 hour round trip to the Peak District again for a little while!'

Other notable problems on Frances' ticklist include Corridors of Power 8A at Cwm Glas Bach Boulders and Foxy Lady 8A in Magic Wood.

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26 Nov, 2018

Great work Frances - we had an inkling when you started out climbing us all aged 10!!


26 Nov, 2018

The way bouldering and sport grades are reported here, with only the distinction of a capital or small letter, makes it all a wee bit confusing for a quick-flick read if one hasn't heard of the problems/routes.

Must be confusing to write too - e.g. Powerplant in Cheedale is a route, not a problem.

26 Nov, 2018

It's a fair comment. Maybe we should use V grades instead?

26 Nov, 2018

"Frances is only the third British woman to climb the grade after Shauna Coxsey and Mina Leslie-Wujastyk."

I would have thought this is bigger news than Ben's ascent of Evolution and so more deserving of the feature news spot. It's probably the hardest boulder problem done by a woman in this country too.

26 Nov, 2018

We don't generally distinguish between news pieces for the 'feature' spot - it's normally the latest news since it tends to shift in the space of a few hours/a day or so anyway. I reported on Frances before Ben so I guess that prioritises it! Just wanted to make that clear. Perhaps we should make more use of this in future.

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