uk.rec.climbing Rules & Regulations

Just in case you didn't know, newsgroups are started by writing a charter, publishing it and then getting people to vote on it. Here is the which started off uk.rec.climbing. It was prepared by John Marsland in November 1994. The results of the voting were 54 YES votes and 23 NO votes, for a total of 77 valid votes. There was 1 abstain.

Once the a group is up and running the same old questions, grievances and cockups keep on annoying people. So then we get the FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) which is intended to keep hackles firmly in their place. Charles Arthur prepared the official(ish) one for uk.rec.climbing after a vaguely democratic discussion.

The Charter
Newsgroups line:
uk.rec.climbing Discussion of rock climbing, ice climbing and mountaineering.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact For questions about the proposed group contact John Marsland

A new newsgroup is proposed for the discussion of

  1. climbing in the UK
  2. climbs by UK climbers worldwide
  3. anything else which may be of interest.

where climbing can be defined loosely as any activity from the following list.

  1. rock climbing including sport climbing
  2. ice climbing
  3. mountaineering including ski-mountaineering
  4. Alpinism and climbing in the greater ranges

The function of the uk.rec.climbing is regarded as complimentary to that of rec.climbing which has a worldwide role.

The uk heirarchy is not part of the 'big 7' Usenet heirarchy and as such is not bound by the rules regarding the vote on the creation of a new group. The creation of uk.rec.climbing is the first creation in the uk heirarchy to be strongly contested during the discussion stage and as such a vote was considered to be appropriate. However there are no existing rules about voting for a uk group so an informal group of five people (two proponents, two opponents and one neutral) corresponded by email to establish the format to be adopted. The consensus (not unanimous) view of the group was that the vote should be decided by a simple majority, that the voting period should be fourteen days and that a call for votes should be posted to both rec.climbing and
This call for votes will be carried worldwide by the newsgroup rec.climbing. However people reading this call outside the United Kingdom are requested to assess their own eligibility to vote as guided by the following statement.

This vote is for the creation of a new group in the uk heirarchy and it is expected that only those people with a strong interest in climbing in the United Kingdom will vote. This will include British people living overseas. People with a marginal interest in climbing in the United Kingdom are requested not to vote.

The newsgroup uk.rec.climbing will be created if there are more YES votes than NO votes. The result of the vote will be posted to both rec.climbing and A period of five days between the posting of the result and the creation of the newsgroup will be allowed for any procedural objections to be made. Objections must be posted to",date( "F d Y.", getlastmod())); ?>