0 && ($cx == "012320157739014986830:jsoy3zqu4zw" || $cx == '012320157739014986830:cthrxjt04rc')): header("Location: /news/older.html?q=".rawurlencode($_GET['q'])); exit(); endif; if (strlen($_GET['q']) > 0 && ($cx == "012320157739014986830:3auyvzbpad0" || $cx == '012320157739014986830:g2dufi6hata')): header("Location: /articles/older.html?q=".rawurlencode($_GET['q'])); exit(); endif; if (strlen($_GET['q']) > 0 && ($cx == "012320157739014986830:0fq90vweyja" || $cx == '012320157739014986830:8iz9wzu1idg')): header("Location: /gear/list.php?q=".rawurlencode($_GET['q'])); exit(); endif; $local_title = "Advanced Search"; include "local.php"; echo "


\n"; ?>

You can do a general search of the whole of for a word or a set of words.

Restrict search to?
\n", str_replace('&','&',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); ?>

Alternatively, you may wish to make a more specific search, if you have a better idea of what you are looking for: