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1-2pm, term week days

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Last updated on 28/Mar/2013


Sign up for walking, scrambling, mountaineering and backpacking trips over 35 weekends of the year by coming to the Faraday Foyer, Lancaster University, about three miles south of Lancaster at the side of the M6. Check out our website for much more info.


Darren Axe

1 Oct, 2006
Message from the 2005-2006 Vice President: The LUHC is one of the largest and most active student outdoor societies in the country. In 2007 we will be celebrating 40 years of the club. The clubs success reflects the variety of levels of mountain activities provided. There are trips to all mountain areas of the UK every weekend of university term time. With Lancaster being so close to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales, there is no excuse to escape on Sunday's and weekend's. Our most famous trip of all, almost compulsory for all current and many past members is 'Glencoe week 5', during the Michaelmas term. We also pride ourselves with our Winter and Easter trips, during the respective holidays. These allow members to explore more remote areas of Scotland, inaccessible for weekend trips. The 2007 winter trip is to the west coast of Ireland, CO Kerry. Irish Munro bagging compulsary! If heading for the mountains is what you're looking for in a choice of university then the LUHC of Lancaster is definately for you!
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