Climbs 15
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 399m a.s.l
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Foggintor quarry Dartmoor Jan 2010 © danfermor

Crag features

On entrance from the track there is a large pond on the right hand side of the pond there is the arête of swan lake just to help you get your bearings. The rock is sometimes loose so go carefully!

Approach notes

2.5mi W from Two Bridges on B357. Car park on L; farm track (Yellowmead Farm) running S leads to the quarry. You can also park near Devil's Elbow on the Yelverton to Princetown road and follow the disused tramway to the quarry. [Kathryn Bromfield]

No Access Issues

The quarry is situated on Access land so there is a statutory right of access for non-commercial, recreational users. It is also registered Common Land.

Rubbish venue. Only worthwhile route is Limestone Cowboys, but that's hard as fook.
Tom Last - 31/May/17
Magnificent views and hugh potential for further development at all grades. More up-to-date route info would help!
Rob - 16/May/14
One of the advantages of this area is that the military use it for training, so there are a lot of solid anchorages in place. However, this also means that in places the rock is quite polished.
Robfromcornwall - 08/Dec/06
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