
200 pounds per week peak
150 pounds per week off peak

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Last updated on 01/Aug/2009


Paklenica National Park, world class climbing destination in Dalmatian CROATIA

Accommodation available 5mins from National Park in scenic village of Starigrad, 2 mins from beach.

2 self-contained flats each comfortably sleeping 3 people with hot water and fully fitted kitchens.

Our English speaking team will meet and greet you and provide access to local information, bars, restaurants etc. Visit for photos, info and advice and/or email [email protected] for specifics. Starigrad-Paklenica is Croatia’s climbing Mecca and our place can be your base from which you can venture further a field to crags in Pag and the amazing DWS location, Hvar..
..oh and not forgetting Paklenica's International speed climbing competition starts early May!


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