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Last updated on 22/May/2024


The IMC is a BMC affiliated mountaineering club based in Stockport, Cheshire.

Our members take part in a range of activities, including rock climbing, scrambling, hill walking, trekking, mountain biking and via ferrata. This can be in the Peak District, North Wales, the Lake District or elsewhere in the UK and abroad. This could be an evening activity, a day, weekend, a week or 14 days away.

We’re a sociable and supportive club with a lot of combined experience – get in touch to find out how you can join in and enjoy the outdoors with us.

There are WhatsApp groups for climbing, walking and scrambling as well as regular emails broadcasting information to the members.

This year members have organised informal trips skiing in France, climbing in Kalymnos, having mountain adventures in the Costa Blanca, “Munro” bagging in Ireland, trekking both in Norway and the Tatras mountains.

We meet to chat and plan activities on the first Thursday of each month at The Magnet 51 Wellington Road North, Stockport, SK4 1HJ . Please get in touch through the website, if you like to come along and meet us. Give us a try for 3 months to see if we are right for you


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Listing Photo Gallery

Bow-shaped Slab, Pembroke © Howard J
Bow-shaped Slab, Pembroke
© Howard J
In mist on Cairngorm plateau © Howard Jones
In mist on Cairngorm plateau
© Howard Jones


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