Opening hours

Come and meet us at our weekly climbing sessions at GCC (every Wednesday afternoon) in addition to weekly pub gatherings on Thursday evenings at Bar Home in Merchant City!

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Last updated on 15/Feb/2017


Strathclyde University Mountaineering Club (SUMC) is one of Strathclyde’s most active student clubs affiliated to the Strathclyde University Sports Union. We are also the best club in the university, obviously.

Active in all aspects of mountaineering the club can be found down the local wall, at a local crag or in the far reaches of Scotland enjoying the most natural and spectacular scenery that Scotland has to offer!

If you’re a Strathclyde Student and want to get involved in our awesome club, then get in touch via the committee email address [email protected] or join the facebook group (where the majority of our fun is organised) at


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