ARTICLE: Perfect Partners #1 - Pete Graham and Ben Silvestre

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 UKC Articles 20 Jul 2017
 Pete and Ben at the top of the Droites after climbing the Messner Pillar. Ben's first alpine route., 4 kbIn this new series of articles, Tom Ripley interviews some well-known climbing partnerships to dig up their dirty secrets and find out what they really think of one another...

Pete Graham (30) and Ben Silvestre (27) are two of the darkest horses of British climbing. While some climbers choose to run up routes light and fast Pete and Ben prefer a slower, more stoic approach, with lots of suffering. Inching their way up hard routes on north faces, with big sacks and lots of bivis. Partners in grime for sure.

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 bensilvestre 20 Jul 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Cheers Bubbles you did a good job of that! Was interesting from my perspective to see what Pete had to say about me. A lot of very similar sentiments which was nice. Looking forward to the rest of the series, although maybe you should include some genuinely 'well known' partnerships. Fowler/ Ramsden perhaps?
 smithaldo 21 Jul 2017
In reply to bensilvestre: good luck in the himalaya. Try not to repeat nice guy Will's rucksack trick.

 ferdia 31 Aug 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Thanks for this. Lots of valuable nuggets re how to build a strong climbing partnership. I have a question though which perhaps ben and pete can answer. Speaking of nuggets, what is the recommended length of time to climb with someone before trying the 'shitting whilst staring into their eyes' bonding method? I tried it with someone last week and they haven't replied to my texts since...
 Rick Graham 31 Aug 2017
In reply to ferdia:

If /when you need to go. Go.

The eye contact is optional.
 Tom Last 31 Aug 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

I reckon Hoar of Babylon, given its location and condition, must be one of the best route names I've ever heard, personally.
 bensilvestre 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Tom Last:

Glad you think so, we do try

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