NEW ARTICLE: GUEST EDITORIAL: Everest - Sucking on the barrel

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 UKC Articles 04 Jun 2012
Andy Kirkpatrick - The Reel Deal? at KMF 2011, 4 kbAndy Kirkpatrick lets loose on Everest.

"If you have to step over a dead body half way up then it's classed as a walk. On real climbs the bodies fall to the bottom"...


 jas wood 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: Like it :O)
 JohnnyW 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles:

He's right y'know..............
 Wile E. Coyote 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: Great read
 Conan 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles:
In reply to UKC Articles: The Jornos are too lazy to question the fact as to why so many people die on it - it's because it's so accessible and technically easy that it's taken for granted by many people (often with too much money, all the gear and no idea) and see it as the ultimate challenge for mountaineering. It's pathetic and AKP has, once again, hit the nail square on the head. Top article, Andy. hopefully people will take heed of your wise words!
 gethin_allen 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles:
That pic on Andy KPs blog looks like the queue at the bottom of kinder when the downfall is in condition.
 Al Evans 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: He is right of course except for not making it clear that there are some routes on Everest that are climbs not walks. But they are not generally what the journos are asking about.
 biscuit 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles:

Love it ! Got to see that man at a talk sometime.
 augustus trout 04 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: So the long and the short of it is, he'd suck the devils cock to climb it!
I'd put a fiver into the "Bitter and Twisted Everest travel log" fund.
Watching Kirkpatrick marching up the thing embarrassing all the tourists, guides and TV crews, is just the kind of TV I want to see. Could we have him chuck Bear Grylls off the top as well in a Mallory reenactment clip?
 Hannes 04 Jun 2012
In reply to augustus trout:
> (In reply to UKC Articles) So the long and the short of it is, he'd suck the devils cock to climb it!
> I'd put a fiver into the "Bitter and Twisted Everest travel log" fund.
> Watching Kirkpatrick marching up the thing embarrassing all the tourists, guides and TV crews, is just the kind of TV I want to see. Could we have him chuck Bear Grylls off the top as well in a Mallory reenactment clip?

Do you reckon he'd be subtitled on Discovery channel?
 USBRIT 05 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: Good one.The truth always hurts.
 gd303uk 05 Jun 2012
In reply to UKC Articles: I reckon moss side in full north face kit could be more dangerous than Everest
 tom290483 05 Jun 2012
In reply to gd303uk:
> (In reply to UKC Articles) I reckon moss side in full north face kit could be more dangerous than Everest

most definitely!

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