THE LOWDOWN: Sharma climbs First Ley, 9a+

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[The LowDown: Sharma climbs First Ley, 9a+, 3 kb]My man at Margalef just filed a report: "Just came back from the crag where I saw Chris Sharma screaming at the top of a new FA, I think. It starts in the First round, first minute project, but finishes on the left". As it turned out, it was an FA, now called First ley, weighing in around, 9a+. The...


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finbarr 28 Feb 2010
i'm glad you've shown to have a sense of humour, now i can laugh at this news.
at another site i would have been annoyed
Ha, ha, yeah.. this is pretty weird. I knew there was a new project there, and that it's hard, but I don't know the name or the grade. Yet.
And now I do.
Chri 01 Mar 2010
and now for the full rig! venga!
Anonymous 01 Mar 2010
So "Ley innata" is another Chris project, which was not climbed yet as well?
Actually... I think it's a Dani Andrada project, and that the correct name is "La ley innata".

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