In reply to UKC Articles:
1. Europe is a whole different ball game to walking in the British hills as say opposed to the Alps where a lot of walkers/climbers belong to one of the very large (by British standards) national clubs, think SAC, and all the sub-divisions within each club. In the UK the vast majority of walkers in need of rescue services are not members of any affiliated club and certainly very unlikely to have any insurance, automatic if you are in SAC or similar.
2.The rescue themselves do not want a Govt. backed rescue service with all the hoops etc that this would entail. They are all volunteers and proud to be so.
3. As usual the press never let the truth get in the way of a good story, and refer to C.B. because he is known to just about every man/woman in the street, not the unknown head of some rescue team, that won't arouse the same interest, and we all know what appears in the press is true!
4. When I lived in Nant Peris, the base for the Llanberis team, I was frequently asked why I was not in the team. My reply, mostly unprintable, is that why should I spend my evenings and nights, out in foul weather looking for some fool that can't be bothered to even carry a map and compass, but has a mobile handy to help someone else get them out of the pickle they have bought on themselves. Many of my friends were in that team and some of the stories were truly unbelievable.
5. The rescue service was originally set up by climbers and hill walkers to rescue their own but now Joe Bloggs thinks it is almost a Govt. dept that is there to call out on a whim.
So the next time you are passing an M.R. collecting tin, stop and add a few pennies. It all helps. I fortunately have never had to call upon their services in nearly 60 years in the hills, but you never know!
Post edited at 19:27