Winterclimbing in North York Moors/NE?

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 a13x 01 Dec 2010

Is anything going yet which can be accessed from Durham?


 ablackett 01 Dec 2010
In reply to a13x:

The quarry I link to there is brilliant fun for a day, only problem is the road there is bad, or a 2-3 mile walk in. And you need to take a lot of rope as the only anchor is a fence that is about 25m back from the edge, which is mostly rotten posts so you will want to use a couple at the least.

We had a right faff on last year setting the top rope and then adjusting the length to get it to the edge and then absailing past the knot to save the walk around. You wouldn't want to go towards the edge without being tied in I don't think.

Some of the stuff would be ok to lead if you had balls and the ice is thick enough. There are probably at least a couple of dozen routes all about 10-15m high, so again take lots of rope so you can rig a few different lines.

Let us know how you get on.

There are a few other areas around there which are possible I believe, search last years forums for teesdale/weardale and you should find some vague details.
OP a13x 01 Dec 2010
In reply to a13x:

Cool thanks for that, Ill look into it
 jas wood 01 Dec 2010
In reply to a13x: climbed bowlees fall last year when high force was nearly there (pic in gallery). place call bizzle burn in northumberland (on climbonline website i think) and stuff on north york moors BUT at the minute getting to it is very very hard work as near lord stones cafe waist deep powder stops you dead !
Ravenscar offers some turf lines and is good but you could get slagged off for being on it but not by me.

Are you friends with matt gibbon by any chance ?
 Mike Conlon 02 Dec 2010
In reply to jas wood: I proposed a visit to Wainstones this afternoon via the normal descent gully to the side of Ravenscar's Airlift. It took me over an hour to what I believe is termed "swim" through armpit deep sugar from the path to the escarpment top. I was so nackered that I abandoned the Wainstones plan and headed back along the Cleveland Way through an average 18" of snow. It wasn't (much) fun !
 jas wood 02 Dec 2010
In reply to Mike Conlon: i went off in the other direction from clay bank car park and headed up to rud scar near round hill which had some brilliant exposed turf but not much in the way of ice. stunning day and never seen a soul all day and going wasn't too bad as the wind has stripped the moor edge a little :O)
OP a13x 15 Dec 2010
In reply to a13x:

Sorry I only just got back to reading this, we ended up in the Lakes (with Matt) in the end anyway. So ye I know Matt...

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