Opening hours

All year


Low season £15.00 per person per night Sole occupancy 13/15 person £180 per night
High season £20 per person per night. Sole occupancy £240 per night

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Last updated on 07/Apr/2015


Eastern Slade Barn-Bunkhouse is the original farmhouse dwelling for Eastern Slade farm dating back over 200 years. In 1905 the new farmhouse was built by Penrice Estate for the grandparents of the current owners and the barn became used for agricultural purpose housing cattle and machinery.

Eastern Slade Farm is a working dairy farm, currently milking over 80 cows. There are three generations of the Beynon family all working together. Alongside the dairy herd Eastern Slade has a very popular “back to basic” campsite which is the oldest registered campsite on Gower. It is very popular with walkers, climbers and people who enjoy the outdoors. The Wales Coastal path is a five minute walk from the barn.


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