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Last updated on 06/Jul/2021


The OMC is one of the longest established clubs in Derbyshire with a buoyant culture of enthusiasm and activity.


Around 200 members participate at all levels in mountaineering, climbing and walking as well as loads of social events. All new members are welcome.


There’s a climbing meet every Wednesday – on grit or limestone in summer and on a climbing wall in winter. These generally end up in the pub for a well-deserved beer afterwards. We also meet at the Climbing Unit in Derby on a Monday Evening.


During the winter on a Tuesday, there are regular slide nights and talks (at the Royal Oak, Ockbrook) where you get the chance to meet up with other members (and perhaps make arrangements for a trip to Scotland at the weekend if the conditions are in).


Members also frequently text or mail around spontaneously at any time of year to get together on other evenings or at weekends - offering great opportunities to get out climbing regularly .


There are also numerous meets at weekends in locations all over the UK, both summer and winter, and an Alpine meet every year during the summer. As well as the mountain areas in North Wales, The Lake District and Scotland, we often have coastal meets to take in the delights of sea cliffs in such places as Cornwall and Pembrokeshire.


The Oread has two huts; at Rhyd Ddu at the foot of Snowdon in North Wales, and at Baslow in Peak Distric. Check out our UKC classified ads under "accommodation"


Come and join the Oread Mountaineering Club, meet new friends, find new partners, get active regularly and have fun!


Go to our website at to find out more.


We look forward to meeting you!

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