Climbs 81
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 385m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Back Forest Main Crag © TRNovice

Crag features

Back Forest is the western extension of the Skyline section of the Roaches and it consists of several pleasant bits of rock scattered along the ridge. The area is very tranquil when compared to nearby honey-pots, the lack of major classics and the slightly awkward parking situation tend to keep the crowds away. The main crag area is relatively sheltered and gets any sun going, making it a year round option.  It is not a good venue for large groups and this is actively discouraged by The Peak Park.

Approach notes

There is limited parking either side of the cattle grid at Roach End where the minor road that runs under The Roaches and the Five Clouds crosses over to the east of the ridge. Please park sensibly. Cross the style and follow the wall northwest-wards for 800m until the path splits. The Main Crag is another 300m along the track and is easily reached from the upper (ridge-crest) path.

The 2009 guide shows Bridge of Sighs climbing the obvious ar�te, not the wall where it actually goes..This misses out the hard climbing, and the arete is another route.
Roge't - 22/Aug/15
Crag updated. All routes should (hopefully) now be in the correct order. I've added a couple of boulder problems that I know have been done but weren't on UKC and unverified a few routes, not recorded in either the BMC or Rockfax guides, that have had few or no ascents recorded and no votes. I'd be grateful if anyone climbing these could vote so a consensus on the grade can be arrived at.
Chris Murray - 14/Jun/15
This is included under Back Forest in the 2009 Roaches Guide.
Paul Hy - 20/Dec/12
Great little place and normally quiet but the routes arn't ordered correctly on here! They are correct in the BMC Roaches guide.
Paul Hy - 06/Nov/12
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