Climbs 114
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude Tidal
Faces E

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Chris Barr on "Superguapa" 8a/path © Gus

Crag features

Cala Serena is now the biggest venue on the Island, with almost 100 routes in total, most of which consist of golden juggy walls low down, and thinner, technical sections near the finish. It was developed, mostly by local Mallorcans, in 2003.
The cliffs rise to about 18m in places, but almost all the lines finish way below this mark with a maximum fall of around 15m if you are unlucky. Topping out is generally a breeze with most of the shorter lines finishing on some sort of a ledge. The rest of the climbing to the top of the cliff is on easier-angled slabs (about grade 2 or 3). There are some more vegetated top-outs but these can be avoided by heading down a rope to try other lines or traversing to another section of the cliff.
Serena is not all good news. The left side of cliff (looking in) is sharp and grey. Most people generally avoid this area, which is from Mallorca es Fonki to the start of the Adosat Area. Another downside is that towards the late afternoon, hundreds of jellyfish have been seen streaming by. This is not a constant feature, but something to watch out for.

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