Climbs 21
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 198m a.s.l
Faces S

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Ben Wallace exiting the overhung square-cut recess on Ivy Wall (VS) at Luckey Tor © Rhys Evans

Crag features

The main tor is a bit of an optical illusion, feeling much bigger than it actually is "appearing almost 100ft in height but just 40ft."  A really beautiful spot and a superb place for a picnic.  The "life-affffirming walk through deciduous woodland" from Dartmeet is everything that the guide claims it to be. "The Eyrie (E2 5c) is well worth its two stars." - Mark Kemball.

Approach notes

Quickest approach from the A384 - park (get permission) at the Rowbrook farm; walk down contours to crag.
Alternatively and nicer walk - park at Dartmeet and walk S along the E bank of the river.

There is an amazingly hard climb: SWAMPIES', first attempted by a few of the lads from GREAT HORWOOD. Follow the main face left, turn 90-degrees left and scramble up the soiley bank. Opposite the massive boulder there is a cave (about 12ft off the ground), which is 3ft deep, 5.5ft tall, 9ft wide. MY CHALLENGE TO YOU! Climb using only the crack forming the left-hand side of the cave, use an arm jam to help pull yourself up the inside of the crack and into the cave. If you can do that! crawl right allong the cave and continue up the right hand crack, to the top. This is a very hard exciting climb, welldone if you can do it. P.S. Watch out for the gnats. P.P.S. Keep your packed lunch away from the sheep, ponies, deer and naturalists!
"Swamp Thing" - 16/Nov/02
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