Climbs 132
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 324m a.s.l
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Rob working Heavens Gate © scragrock

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Approach notes

57.316889, -4.276853

BREEDING BIRD SEASON ACCESS (March-July): It is an offense to knowingly disturb breeding schedule 1 birds such as the Slavonian Grebe so please go this way from March to July or risk losing access to the area and a criminal conviction. Walk up to the Ruthven boulder, continue up past it for another couple of hundred metres then follow the rocky whale back contouring across the hill and drop down into rooftown. 35 mins if you don't get lost


OUT OF BIRD BREEDING SEASON ACCESS (August- March): From Ruthven carpark walk down the path but break off left well before the bird hide. Follow a path to a fence and cross the stile. Continue along the vague path keeping well back from the loch edge. You'll cross a stream, carry on and at the next stream head up the hill to find rooftown. The Heaven's Gate boulder is about half way up the slop and the rest of the area is a good hike up the hill. 25-40 mins depending on pads your carrying.


Restricted Access

Please Avoid the shore of the loch from March- end July as it is a criminal offence to disturb the Schedule 1 listed Slavonian Grebes nesting here. (They occupy the sedge beds at the loch edges and are very sensitive to disturbance. When disturbed they will abandon a nest, then go through the process of finding a mate, displaying and nest building all over again so it sets them back weeks if they are disturbed

Serious Access issues here

The RSPB Own this land and as far as they are concerened we are tolerated. 

PLEASE dont give them a reason to close the car park or ban access to Ruthven/Rooftown.

* Please use the top path NOT the one past Loch Ruthven hide from start March-end July

* Please park considerately and leave NO mess, take home other mess.

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