Climbs 113
Rocktype Grit (quarried)
Altitude 172m a.s.l
Faces E

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Dave Mann on Spitting Image, Stanworth Quarry, Lancashire © Eric Grindle

Crag features

Good bouldering circuit. Good climbs across the grades up to the hardest slab climb in the world. Dries quickly in places and good for wild life.

Approach notes

Do not park on the lane but instead park on the verge and walk down, probably 10 minutes. You will likely get back to a note on your windscreen if you do park on the lane. Access under the green fence is hard due to barbed wire. possible to walk round and cross low barbed wire fence to gain access. Keep as low a profile as possible. You may be asked to leave; please do so if asked.


Old info:


You can climb. Be considerate when parking the farmer doesn’t like you parking just by the path. Park along the track by the field gate- don’t block. Follow the footpath back down the lane on the left. Over the field until you see a green fence. Go under the green fence near to a corner. 5 minutes.Keep a low profile. If you are asked to leave please be considerate and go. I’ve climbed here a lot and had no problems.


Restricted Access

The crag is currently completely fenced off. This may be to protect livestock or it may be to prevent access. The landowner (Biffa) has been contacted and we are awaiting a response regarding access. Anyone wishing to visit should take great care not to damage any fencing in doing so.

Were asked to leave by a Biffa employee wearing a high vis jacket and returned to cars to find notes on windscreen saying 'No Parking, No Climbing.' The chap was friendly but firm and told us 'not to make a habit' of visiting.
spidermonkey09 - 11/Dec/22
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