Climbs 133
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 380m a.s.l
Faces all
A collection of Gritstone problems on the edge of Warland reservoir. The rock is rough and expect to do a fair amount of Mantel top outs with some of the problems being situated on their own beach. Problems start at font 2 and at present reach font 7b.
Walk past Cow's Mouth and continue to the reservoir and Stony Edge behind. Takes about 50min, but the walk-in is flat. Can also be approached from Dove Lowe parking, which takes over an hour. Another option is to park at the Shepherd's Rest (on the hillside above Todmorden), walk up past Gadding's Dam and on to the reservoir. About 40mins.
Well worth the walk for the idyllic surroundings and great problems. jonathandavey - 17/May/16 |
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