Climbs 13
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 122m a.s.l

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Pedal To The Metal - Turkey Dip © Pete Clark

Crag features

Turkey Dip is a small sports crag close to Darley Dale in Derbyshire. It is extremely steep and hence doesn't offer much in the way of easy grades. Because of the overhanging nature of the crag, climbing is usually possible in any rain. Although the crag does take seepage after prolonged wet weather, not all the routes are affected and is worth looking at if everywhere else is wet! Classic routes are Step On It (7c+) and Pedal To The Metal (7b+).

Approach notes

Situated in the woodlands near Darley Bridge in Derbyshire. The following is a description of how to find it from the village :- If travelling by car, parking is available by the river in Darley Bridge itself, or on the road to Wensley, just beyond the Three Stags Head pub. Take the road signposted to H.J. Enthoven and Stanton Lees and follow this for 100m, until you get to the third gate on your left. Go over the style into the wood and follow the track, which can be muddy in prolonged wet weather. After 200m branch left around the lake and, almost immediately, cross a small wooden bridge over the stream. The crag overlooks the lake, just up on the right

Restricted Access

The crag is on land owned by H.J. Enthoven and the prohibitive signs indicate they do not currently permit climbing on their land. For more info see -

Great place!! Lovely setting in a forest by the lake. Good set of routes to go at. Nicely bolted too.
hamer89 - 05/Jul/10
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