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Mountains of the Mind
© PontiusPirate, Mar 2012
Camera used: Fuji F31fd
Date taken: 8th March 2012
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User Comments

Dolomitic inspiration - I don't even know what peaks these are - shot on a ski-ing trip, probably on the Sella Ronda route.
PontiusPirate - 09/Apr/12
Lovely shot, but can you get rid of the dust mark and just boost your blacks a little - will make all the difference.
Tom Last - 09/Apr/12
Dust Mark? Do you mean the piste in the middle ground (the white patch amongst the trees practically in the middle of the picture?)
It's interesting what you say about 'boosting the blacks' but I wanted to retain the hazy aerial perspective: attempting the darken the mountains just made it look unnatural, to my eyes at least.
PontiusPirate - 10/Apr/12
Fair enough PP. Like those pix looking down on a route where everyone says "oh but it's the wrong way up", well it's how you remember it isn't it. The dust mark - once you've seen it, you can't avoid it! - is just above the point where the grey hill in the foreground on the right and the lighter hill beyond meet. Up and right of the funky tree. Don't worry though, I'm a fussy bugger, you should see the state of my sensor!
Tom Last - 10/Apr/12
Found it now! It's visibility depends on the gamma of your monitor it appears... (I edit on Mac).
The camera is a compact that only produces jpegs, so you can't to do much without the grayscale looking very 'posterised'!
I probably will have another play though...
PontiusPirate - 11/Apr/12
Good shot, very moody. The mountain on the left is Pelmo. Well worth a look in the summer and winter!
James Rushforth - 13/Apr/12
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added April 09 2012.
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