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Route: Quiet Waters (E1 5b) Climbers: Paul Donnithorne Camera used: Nikon D90 Date taken: 6th January 2019
FA of 'Quiet Waters', a new route in the Taskra Gorge in the Moroccan Anti Atlas mountains. The second pitch takes a narrow rampline through the sunlit overhangs above at an extremely awkward but thankfully well-protected 5b.
The harshness of the (otherwise very welcome) bright January sunshine tempered by the deep shadows within the confines of the narrow gorge made for rather challenging photography. The lighting was very uneven, so trying to get an even and balanced shot of a subject in shadow was difficult. This was my best effort.
This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added January 30 2019.
The harshness of the (otherwise very welcome) bright January sunshine tempered by the deep shadows within the confines of the narrow gorge made for rather challenging photography. The lighting was very uneven, so trying to get an even and balanced shot of a subject in shadow was difficult. This was my best effort.