Shout out for the Star Bunkhouse near Brecon

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 beardy mike 11 May 2024

I just thought I'd give a shout out to the Star Bunkhouse which I visited over the last few days. It's a little hostel with around 20 beds. It really is exceptionally nice and well placed for days out in the Bannau Brechinniog. The hostess said that middle of the week stays are at a very good price indeed as they struggle of guests then. As a group of 4 we were charged £11 each which is outrageously good value for money considering its spick and span, well equipped and comfortable, and in a great spot with a brilliant pub just over the road... massively recommend! 

 CantClimbTom 12 May 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

Thanks Mike, noted in the back of my head. Very well placed for hill walking and caving. Looks a very good bunkhouse!

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