Shipley Glen

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Hi all 

One of my family lives within tantalising walking distance of Shipley Glen and I'd like to check it out. I've walked up there several times but not yet been able to climb there.

Does anyone know if the best guidebook is still Yorkshire Gritstone please? I know it's not in the Rockfax. 

From UKC I can only see two routes at HS, a few Es and then all bouldering - I assume this is comprehensive? Recovering from injury so bouldering is out at present but it's close enough to set up a TR. I ran into one father and daughter climbing there ages ago (perhaps on an HS) so had assumed there was more than that, but I've never seen any climbers there since. 

It's a lovely spot so I'm keen for a play about, but since the family don't climb I don't want to cart a belayer all the way up there unnecessarily! 

Cheers all.

 Offwidth 08 May 2024
In reply to Queen of the Traverse:

Loads of lower grade highballs suitable for trs. YMC guidebook is wonderful.  Enjoy.

In reply to Offwidth:


 afx22 08 May 2024
In reply to Queen of the Traverse:

Depends on the nature of the injury, but if it allows, there's plenty of lowball bouldering to be had, especially around the 'John' area.  There are a few traverses where your feet would be no more than around a foot off the floor through any difficult moves.

 mrphilipoldham 08 May 2024
In reply to Queen of the Traverse:

A lot of the bouldering is highball, even some of the easy stuff so can justify a rope anyway unless you’re fit, confident and climbing well. If you’re not then you’ll get enough mileage to justify the time setting up. 

 Graham Booth 08 May 2024
In reply to Queen of the Traverse:

I live locally and will be up Thursday evening if you fancy a tour? Ping me. It’s not all that high, indeed it’s fairly friendly and excellent 

In reply to Graham Booth:

That's very kind thank you but I'm not local. Thanks though  

In reply to mrphilipoldham:

Oh good - I'm not any of those things  

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