Jimmy Webb does Livin' large, 8C, in RocklandsVideo

© Beau Kahler

Two months ago, Jimmy Webb made the first, and so far only, repeat of Nalle Hukkataival's Livin' large in the Champagne sector at Rocklands, South Africa.

If you need a quick recap, here is the news story and short interview.

Here is the video.

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Jimmy Webb is one of the world's top boulderers, with multiple Font 8C+ problems on his CV. He has been at the forefront of pushing into new grade boundaries for several years and made first ascents worldwide.

Jimmy's Athlete Page 56 posts 11 videos

7 Sep, 2015
In the Peak what grade (Trad) would that get? E8 7b?
7 Sep, 2015
How many 8c blocs are there that you can chalk up, twice, while on it?! He looked like he walked up that
7 Sep, 2015
He made that look like 6C.
8 Sep, 2015
Yes I'm sure its all in the hips.
8 Sep, 2015
Great line. But the bits on these videos where the boulderers fall off then have their f*ck f*ck f*ck tantrums are starting to annoy me. You're playing around on a years long holiday, stop moaning.
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