Bike frame I'D?

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 Mr Lopez 09 Aug 2023

One for the connoisseurs.

Some scumbags tried and miserably failed to steal my bike. In the proccess what they did manage to do was to snap both seat stays

Looking for a replacement frame i came across a guy selling a Specialized Allez frame, except it's not a Specialized Allez frame.

Can anone recognise what this frame might be from?

From the known brands, it looks like a cannondale, but the serial location and format don't match. (Asked to get sent a photo of the serial) I'm out of ideas otherwise and googling ain't helping.

Seller is legit otherwise, besides not knowing what he's got. Full FB profile and part of a cycling team

Post edited at 20:05
 wbo2 09 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

It looks like a pretty bog standard taiwanese frame to me.  Any evidence it's more than basic quality?

OP Mr Lopez 09 Aug 2023
In reply to wbo2:

Yes it could be, hence i'm doubting unless i can confirm what it is.

It appears it may still be an Allez, as just found out they did a frame similar to this in 2008, and 2008 only (seller said it's 2010)  but... Back to bike hunting i guess

 abr1966 10 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

Hard to tell form the photos but doesn't look anything special to me....

I have some knowledge of older frames (70's and 80's) but hard to tell with modern stuff but if they're anything like old frames there's potentially a lot of fakes around!!

 Brass Nipples 10 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

Home done spray job, and you have to ask why.

OP Mr Lopez 10 Aug 2023
In reply to abr1966:

> Hard to tell form the photos but doesn't look anything special to me....

That's actually what i'm looking for. A half decent frame that doesn't look anthing special (i.e. less nickkable) So just welded tubes and no fancy shapes and curves. Frame just got wankered was a Caad8 for example

> I have some knowledge of older frames (70's and 80's) but hard to tell with modern stuff but if they're anything like old frames there's potentially a lot of fakes around!!

Uh, good to know. Thanks

 abr1966 10 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

Fair enough....when I used to bike it to work and leave my bike at the station I used a £50 job off eBay....never got robbed like a lot of bikes did! Good luck with finding something....what is the price of this frame?

 Ian Milward 11 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

Possible it could be a Kinesis (older Racelight (T2) or similar) frame?

With non-Kinesis forks...

Post edited at 09:50
 mik82 11 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

As above re: Kinesis. 

I think this could be a Kinesis Racelight TK frame. I've got a TK2 and looks very similar. It has mudguard eyelets and rack mounts. 

OP Mr Lopez 11 Aug 2023
In reply to Ian Milward:

Thanks. It does look very similar, but the geometry is slightly different (the one i was considering is more sloped/compact)

OP Mr Lopez 11 Aug 2023
In reply to abr1966:

Somewhat reasonable/cheap £70 but accepting offers, hence my interest

 Dave Todd 11 Aug 2023
In reply to Mr Lopez:

The frame does look similar to an Allez that I sold a few years ago...

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