Public information film about how to use a shared highway.

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 Godwin 08 Sep 2023

When I was young, there used to be public information films about littering, fire safety, crossing the road, and who can ever forget that Dave, could not swim.

I mention this, because I have just returned from cycling in France, Belgium and The Netherlands. They are all much better at sharing IME than people in the UK, in particular in The Netherlands people including Pedestrians seem to know what they should be doing.

In certain areas Bikes are not allowed to be ridden, and people obey this, except the odd foreigner, but there is a general sense of disapproval, and you quickly get the idea.
Pedestrians stick to footpaths if there is a bike lane. But the bit that interested me was the shared paths. Pedestrians kept to one side, generally facing oncoming traffic, did not weave about as if pissed, had their dogs on short lead and if walking in groups or as a pair, made way for approaching cyclists to pass, and kept an awareness. Contrast this with the England, where people wander down shared paths, weaving about erratically, dogs on 10' leads, if on a lead at all, if in a group, are very grudging to make way for a cyclist, and if they do expect a written letter of thanks. Also they have children running about all over the place, and expect everyone to watch out for the children. These are not footpaths, they are highways and for them to work, everyone has, or in my opinion should have a responsibility to the other users.
Oh and bike riders should have decent bell, not one of those daft tink tink affairs, that no one can hear and no one recognises as the sound of a Bike Bell.
So possibly people just need educating?
<RANT OVER> Ahh, feel better for that

 Ridge 08 Sep 2023
In reply to Godwin:

The Great British Public has had enough of being told what to do by experts, and it's their 'human rights and shit' to do exactly as they please, regardless of inconvenience/danger to others.

 Jim Hamilton 08 Sep 2023

Although when the cycle lane has been a pavement for 100 years which has now had a line painted  down the middle so that pedestrians are squeezed single file to one side whilst cyclists whizz close by with no reduction in speed, as well as using the adjacent road! you might forgive them for being a bit grudging?  

Post edited at 12:14
OP Godwin 08 Sep 2023
In reply to Jim Hamilton:

> Although when the cycle lane has been a pavement for 100 years which has now had a line painted  down the middle so that pedestrians are squeezed single file to one side whilst cyclists whizz close by with no reduction in speed, as well as using the adjacent road! you might forgive them for being a bit grudging?  

You of course have a very valid point, I know of one of these in Bury, Lancashire (Greater Manchester) and absolutely agree with you, however in the same area there is a shared Sustrans Route, which is an old railway line, and TBH on a Sunny Weekend, it is a nightmare to ride up on a Bike, almost constant aggravation of the sort I describe in my OP.
We found Paris to be super cycle friendly, a real joy to cycle round, and apparently this is a hangover from covid, they put in cycle lanes and have kept them, whereas in the UK, this caused an outcry and it was wound back.
If we want to reduce our CO2 footprint and tackle the unfitness epidemic, an infrastructure that does not see pedestrians and cyclists as second class citizens could be a step forward. However the Car has made a land grab and left the pedestrians and cyclists fighting it out for the little bits that are left over

Post edited at 13:10

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