Wilton 1 restoration days

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Martin Kocsis, BMC 17 Jan 2011
The next BMC North West Area gathering will take place on Monday 7th February at the Belmont Bull, just north of Bolton at 1930hrs. Full details of the evening will be (or are already on) the BMC Community Website.

As well as the usual mix of stimulating debate, access and guidebook news, there will be a chance to quiz members of the shadowy Wilton Management Group about their plans for this most excellent of quarries. Plentiful and tasty snacks will be served as a matter of course, and everyone is welcome.

Speaking of Wilton, two dates are coming over the horizon towards us, both of which are part of the ongoing management plan for Wilton 1:

Sunday 30th January and Sunday 20th March are both work days at Wilton 1. In January, the main target is to remove and burn all the rhododendron that we can find. The March datye is more general, but with an emphasis on slopes above the routes in certain areas, and cleaning other specified sections of the quarry. Both days start at around 1030. If you are planning to come along, please bring basic gardening kit, although if you do not have any, some will be provided. Gardening gloves would be very handy for everyone. If you are planning to work on routes, please make sure you have abseil ropes, helmets and rope protectors.

Get in touch with Rob Dyer at The BMC Office ([email protected]) for further information.

 Paul Crusher R 18 Jan 2011
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC: Got your email update at 1.50am this morning? Now thats dedication. Im interested in where your planning to clear... down the bottom end around puma and perimeter w area would be cool to get back into good nick?
Martin Kocsis, BMC 20 Jan 2011
In reply to Paul R: Oh yeah, dedication is the name of the game. I agree...that bottom end is a shocker. The plan is to get rid of every last one of the dreaded weeds. If you're there you can get proper stuck in. Tea and cakes may be provided.
 Rob Dyer, BMC 25 Jan 2011
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC: Hi all, just to confirm that the clearance will be taking place at the bottom end and we will basically be removing as much as we can during the day, alongside the Bolton Conservation Volunteers (who are very experienced rhodie warriors). It's fairly thick in places though so I imagine it may take more than one visit, but the more people that turn up the more we can remove.

There will be a bonfire to get rid of the cuttings so plenty of opportunity to warm up around it, I'll be bringing along cake for the day and we'll head to the Wilton Arms after for chips and sarnies. We're meeting at the BMC car park (on the left side of the pub facing the building) at 1030 - bring any gardening kit you have available, especially gloves, bow saws, loppers and spades. See you there!

Rob Dyer
BMC Access & Conservation Officer

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