The Eiffel ? N. Germany

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Does anyone know anything about the climbing there, as I figure it's my nearest climbing spot right now. Apart from Belgium.
tc 27 Jan 2003
tc 27 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:
BUT: you might find the Rurtal still closed for climbing (since 1998)due to spurious environmental concerns.
Anonymous 27 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:
Yep - still banned. Ah, well - check out
for photos of what you might have been doing...
In reply to Anonymous: Jesus Christ! by the look of it, it's banned because it's made of gravity-defying rubble that's obviously not long for this world! Well, belgium it is, then. Ta for that.
dave j 27 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave: Niddeggen (spelling) has a crag with a castle on top with some awesome looking aretes not sure of access. beneath the castle there seems to be scope for bouldering.i found a great cave with lots of potential for new probs. I will be back this summner with a wire brush.
tc 27 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:
check out the North German limstone of Ith, Holzen and Selter. Lots to do, all grades, very friendly scene and a good campsite See:
tc 27 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:
See also:
NigelCoeAtHome 28 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:

I seem to remember that there is a crag tasilor-named for you in Belgium; it's called Dave (pronounced Da-Vey).

Beez is worth going to - reminded me of a double-height Symonds Yat without the dampness, with better rock, but bolted.
NigelCoeAtHome 28 Jan 2003
In reply to Just Another Dave:

> tasilor-named

Petje 30 Jan 2003
Hey guys,

The first site that's in this thread is mine!

It's a site about an organisation trying to open more rock in the eifel.
We are truggling with some nazi-environmentalists that have a big lobby and propaganda in the local governement. It's a hard fight but maybe there is a possibility to open more rock than now is the case.
There is climbing alowed in the eifel , but only at 2 area's the effels and the hirzley. Very rewarding for some climbs up till french 7b. All grades there under that topgrade. It's worth it for a weekend. you only have to buy a ticket (!) (i know, sad enough) at the local pertol station.
For bouldering i can only say YES! there are some secret spots in the area for cool traverses and straight ups.

further around are ome amazing areas to visit. with or without rope.

Ettringen is just west of koblenz and an old Basalt-quarry. Very rewarding.

Just north of koblenz is a very nice granite bouldering area.
Sort of secret spot so no real sites there.

But for belgium: it's amazing. More then 250 crags there. Almost everything in limestone. Look here for a database.
Some big area's worth a visit or 2:
Freyr: the vbest up till F8c
Dave: Very beautifull climbs for endurance till F7b+
Bomal: 3 area's with lots of hard climbs. Behind the trainstation light overhanging limestone between F6c and F8a+. Lot's of combinations. Try to on-sight something here!
Beez: for the novice/moderate. Lots of easy routes and some pretty things there in the F6th grade F2+/F7b
Esneux and Tilff: limestone slab! very nice up till F7b
Les Awirs: New developed area with huge slab up till 70 meters and new overhanging sectors in development.
Pepinster: Big cave with routes up till F8c. outside nice slab.
Mozet: Hard and cruxy. Up till F8b lot's of easier routes.
(I could go on and on)

If someone wants a "local" guide. Write me a mail. maybe we can meet up.

have fun, Petje

[email protected]

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