Drills for sale near Sheffield?

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sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
Hi everyone,
I am an Australian climber and I'll be visiting your shores sometime in the next few months... I am particularly interested in a place called 'sheffield'
A Welsh climbing friend of mine told me that there was some really good potential for sport routes in the area. he mentioned I should particularly pay attention the 'grit' areas?? I'm not sure where this is but I'm sure I will find out.
Basically my dilemna is that I want to develop some routes while I'm there, but I don't have enough room in my bag for my trusty drill because it weighs so much!!
So i'm wondering if there are any places nearby that I will be able to borrow/rent a 24V battery rotary hammer drill, or even a petrol-motor rotary hammer drill??

Thanks guys,
l.d. donny
 lost1977 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:

0/10 not even worth the effort
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to lost1977:

0/10 for what? what are you talking about?
 Paul Bowen 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:

another one up for the 'golden troll award' i thought you were supposed to post anonymously....
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Paul Bowen:
if i was 'trolling' then surely I would post anonymously!! but i assure you that I will be flying into heathrow in mid april for a month of climbing & developing routes in Britain. my mate ben just did a few routes there (parthian shot & gaia i think were the ones he said) and he said they would be really good with a couple bolts, so when i come over to join him we're going to do that and also put up some new lines.
now are you going to answer my question or what?
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:

You've been fully replied to.
BTW, a useful phone number for you

01142 711900

just leave a message that you'd be arriving shortly and to have the crash team stood by may be of help
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User:
whose number is that? do they have a drill?
 Al Evans 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse: If you try to bolt on grit you will be killed. Even if this is not a troll it is so outrageous that it is a troll by default.
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:
Oh, rest assured they certainly have a few drills to use
 MttSnr 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:
ok mouse, you've had yr reply. No drilling on grit and expecting to keep yr knees. Now, I think Abzmed had it right tnh.

This troll is over.
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to MttSnr:
what are you all on about?why would i be trolling??
is it such a dumb question to ask where i can get a fricken drill? and what the hell is so wrong with putting a couple bolts in to protect otherwise unprotectable climbs?

thankyou i appreciate your help abzmed, and i will give that number a ring when i arrive... who should i ask for?
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:
> thankyou i appreciate your help abzmed, and i will give that number a ring when i arrive... who should i ask for?

Ask for the Triage or on call Cas officer.
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User:
are you taking the piss?
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:
No more than your original post!
 Paddy Duncan 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:
How are you going to wank with no hands?
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse: Dude you just don't put bolts in any were...Don't you get what people are saying to you.... this could be the shortest trip you've had of britain if you go round bolting routes and it may be the last time you climb deppending on who catches you....
 Horse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:

Ignore this lot on here. Give me a shout when you get here, I'll be happy to sort you out.
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User:
> (In reply to Removed Usersir mouse)
> You've been fully replied to.
> BTW, a useful phone number for you
> 01142 711900
> just leave a message that you'd be arriving shortly and to have the crash team stood by may be of help

PMSL very suttle
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Horse:
Good man Horse! Make sure you send him all our "love". lol
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Horse:
> (In reply to sir mouse)
> Ignore this lot on here. Give me a shout when you get here, I'll be happy to sort you out.

I think you should join the back of que lol
 Horse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User:

I have had a quick word with Sloper he is quite enthusiastic about helping. He should be able to sort out the legal niceties, if you know what I mean.
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Horse:
I can just imagine
Just give us a shout if you need anyone on standby with fluids etc to prolong the fun.

eerrrm, that sounds completely wrong somehow.
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User:
you know what? you guys are really rude and unappreciative. it is not easy work to put in bolts and it is very expensive. i do not put routes up only for myself, i put them up for other people to enjoy. and from what ive started to hear, i reckon maybe you guys secretly want me to put bolts so that you can do some decent routes...because your balls are too small to do the lines as they are. or maybe you're just scared that once i bolt these routes youll have no excuse for not trying them so you will look stupid when you are too weak to do the moves?!

anyway, im not going to let a couple morons on the internet spoil my trip- im sure there are plenty of nice & APPRECIATIVE climbers in britain that will help me.
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse: Why don't you ask if british climbers want you to bolt british routes and what routes they want bolting...I'm sure there are enough british climbers that can bolt routes if need be any way
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
also, to all the 'subtle' threats... sure you can fire your mouths off, but i must warn you that im not a small fella & ive put a *few* punches in in my time. good luck to anyone who tries to take me on physically, but i take no resposibility for what will happen to you.
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:


Police investigating the sad death of a Climber who was found near a gritstone edge in the Peak have appealed for witnesses.

"Sgt nobber was quoted as saying, "It's a real shame, it appears he fell from the top and a 15kg Ryobi petrol drill landed on his head 23 times. Lord knows what he was doing there. Just a shame he didn't contact any of the local climbing fraternity, they could have told him he was wasting his time".
Another off the record report said Police were looking for 35-40 persons seen leaving the area soon before the body was found . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The bigger they come etc etc.
 Bruce Hooker 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse:

> ....and what the hell is so wrong with putting a couple bolts in to protect otherwise unprotectable climbs?

If you don't know the Peak how do you know that there are "otherwise unprotectable climbs"?

Ask your Mummy to let you stay up a little later and watch Colombo a bit, you wouldn't make such basic errors
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to GCHQ:
awwww, you're no fun!!
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to GCHQ: So he holds the world record for the longest full while wearing ski's
Removed User 04 Mar 2007
In reply to hiclimber75:
Looking at the end of GCHQ's link, he'll be back posing as a Yank soon enough!
 Al Evans 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Removed User: I dont believe Sir Mouse exists, and its so stupid it has to be a troll of course. But just to point out, you WILL be killed, and I dont care how big you are, try taking on 20 gritstoners at once.
If it was not a troll you would be the thickest person that ever posted on here.
sir mouse 04 Mar 2007
In reply to Al Evans:
thickest ever? id go out on a limb and say you probably take that title out- if you click on the above link you'll find published plans & progress of the entire operations
hiclimber75 04 Mar 2007
In reply to sir mouse: Nice one very funny indeed....You should of listened to your mates and they are right you are a crap troll lol

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