Flower Identity Help

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Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this flower I photographed at around 900m OD on Snowdon. It's very small; it's head is only about 1/2 cm in width.

Thanks in advance
 psaunders 10 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles: I think it's English Stonecrop... looks quite like it anyway.

What do you think?
 Batcloud 10 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles:

Looks a bit like Starry Saxifrage and also like White Stonecrop
but I don't think it's either, sorry !!
 Doug 10 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles: looks like a saxifrage, compare with some of the photos here!

(but obviously thats a Swiss site so many of those won't ocur in Wales)
 Rhi 10 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles:

It looks like a sedum of some sort . . . maybe English Stonecrop / sedum anglicum?
MtnDze 10 Sep 2010

I'd agree, it is not a saxifrage. Have you got any photos of the rest of the plant?
In reply to MtnDze: Not saxifrage and my money is on stonecrop and being in Wales probably English stonecrop (bizzare that sounds I know)
 toad 10 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles: Another vote for the stonecrop (esp if the size estimate is accurate - it's too small for a saxifrage)

On a general note to folks posting pictures of flowers for ID - if you
can include some of the leaves/ basal rosette or whatever as well, that's a big help, as is some sort of scale - drop a coin into your picture, for eg
Thanks so much to everyone who posted; unfortunately I have no other decent photos.
I’ll look into stonecrop/saxifrage ideas.

 sheeny 12 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles: it is stonecrop
 sheeny 12 Sep 2010
In reply to dansmonkeytroubles:
sorry i should have said biting stonecrop hope this helps
Thanks all!

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