PRODUCT NEWS: WITH VIDEO: The Epicentre has Momentum

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 UKC Gear 03 May 2012
Chaple Stile bouldering., 3 kbMomentum Bouldering is a new company making a great range of chalk bags, bouldering pads and accessories. It's great to be working with such a grass roots company. We have our first delivery of Momentum chalk bags in store now and look forward to seeing their mats in the near future - look out for them at a crag near you.

 CrushUnit 03 May 2012
In reply to UKC Gear: Cool, looks interesting. Will be nice to see what their pads turn out like! Like the video!
 roof 03 May 2012
In reply to UKC Gear: Nice! Love the look of the chalk bags and waiting to try the mats. Hurry up, Gareth!
 seankenny 05 May 2012
In reply to UKC Gear:

Good stuff Gareth.
 davelozman 09 May 2012
Great to see another climber passionate about making quality and built to last gear setting himself up to take on the big boys.

The bouldering pads are the bomb and I can't wait to see them hit the shelves.

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