Climbing in the Falklands

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 MikeR 16 Jan 2013
Hi there,
I'm going to be spending around 4 months in the Falklands from mid August to early december this year. I've had a look through the threads on climbing out there from a few years back and am encouraged to see there should be at least some climbing to keep me sane out there. Just wondering if anyone has any more resent info (i.e. since 2007)? Also does anyone know if there's still a guide kicking around the wall at MPA?

Would anyone reckon it's worth bringing rack and ropes out? Also wondering about bringing my touring skis?!

If anyone's out there around then and wants to get out for some climbing give me a shout.

In reply to MikeR:

December is southern summer; maritime climate and low elevations, don't think you will get much use from the skis

Not sure about climbing, but I remember lots of rocky ridges, bound to some bouldering

Many of them were battle sites though...fairly sobering to think what went on there.

Make sure you take in some wildlife watching, the only place to see king penguins in the wild outside the polar regions...!


OP MikeR 16 Jan 2013
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs: Thanks for the reply. I was more thinking of August rather than december for the skis! Will certainly take my camera for the wildlife.
 Ann S 16 Jan 2013
In reply to MikeR:

It's your lucky day Mike. A good friend of mine who is a solid VS leader is serving time out there as a teacher and would no doubt give a great welcome to visiting climbers. He's based in Stanley and has been exploring all the climbing options though I am not sure how much gear he has out there with him. I am expecting him to return for his annual leave to UK in August when we hope to go to Pembroke and he will then return after that if they have not been invaded in the meantime. Let me know if you want me to get in touch with him for you.
OP MikeR 16 Jan 2013
In reply to Ann S: Hi Ann, that would be great thanks. Would be interested to hear what he's discovered.

In reply to MikeR:

Er... Oops! Must read post more carefully...!

Other factors still apply I think, though I was there in Dec (not the one just gone) was dry and sunny most days,

 Ann S 16 Jan 2013
In reply to MikeR:
> (In reply to Ann S) Hi Ann, that would be great thanks. Would be interested to hear what he's discovered.

Ok Mike-I'll get in touch with him.

OP MikeR 16 Jan 2013
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs: No probs. I realise it's generally a lot drier there than the uk, but they can get a fair amount of snow in the winter (and even the odd flurry possible in summer), just wondering if it ever accumulates enough or all gets blown into the south Atlantic.
OP MikeR 16 Jan 2013
In reply to Ann S: Thanks!
 jon59 16 Jan 2013
In reply to MikeR: Ive done a fair bit of climbing in the Falklands and I'm sure I've got a photo copy of the guide somewhere. Take your gear MPA has a good indoor wall and the gym staff have a copy of the guide and new routes log. I climbed extensively on Mt Harriet, MPA hill and put up a few new routes on crags along the Stanley road. Andy Kirkpatrick brother developed a lot of the climbs on MPA hill, try king crack a quality VS. I also ventured onto the ridges on the east island and scrambled most of them, Longdon was particularly good.There is no climbing on west Falklands that I know of.
OP MikeR 17 Jan 2013
In reply to jon59: Thanks for the info. I'll look out for king crack. The ridge scrambling sounds good too.

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