Fave camnping food?

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 simon manc 04 Aug 2014
Afternoon All,

I'm going on a six day camping/trekking trip and could do with scoffing something other than usual packets of pasta + soup, so what's your favourite + tastiest food for trekking?

 Skol 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

Homemade beef madras with couscous for two nights at least. I pre freeze the curries and don't worry about the beef going off.
 d_b 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

I have been taking lots of dried veggies on trips lately. You can make some quite respectable rissottos and pasta dishes with them.

If I'm going to be by the sea I sometimes take a fishing rod too. Can't beat a bit of really fresh fish!
 Siward 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

Dhal. Here's a recipe I found in the depths of the ukc archives that I posted years ago:

Put a generous amount of veg oil in a pan (or ghee if you've got it and want to accelerate the furring of your arteries). Add a sprinkling of black mustard seed and fry until they start to pop.

Add about 1/2 an onion finely chopped- worth their weight I reckon- with some chopped chilli and fry for a few mins.

Then add coriander seed, cumin and tumeric in about a 3:2:1 ratio and fry.

At this stage you may add further spices- fenugreek is good, also cinnamon bark, cardamom pods and of course ginger and/or garlic.

Fry a little longer until the mixture has combined- the spices need a bit of frying to release their flavour- and then add the lentils. Fry a little longer. With red lentils there's no need to soak beforehand. Then add water, bring to the boil and simmer.

What I usually do at this stage is to take it off the heat once it has boiled and let it stand with a lid on, occasionally giving it a bit more heat. In the meantime you can cook the rice or make chapattis if you want. Or guzzle wine.

A really simple dhal might omit much of the above and just consist of adding some roasted spices to the boiled lentils but I think that the more spices the merrier.

Season with salt if required and serve. Yum.

It does take a bit of time for best results but where's the hurry?
robapplegate 04 Aug 2014
In reply to Siward:

You beat me to it
If you want to make life simpler just find a curry powder you like. Use basmati rice, it cooks quicker and thus saves fuel.
 martin.p65 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

The dried Adventure Food is good. Definitely the tastiest dried meals I've eaten.

Can't go wrong with flap jack and malt loaf.

Otherwise, cous cous, beef jerky and a heinz concentrated soup makes a good meal.
 MaranaF 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

I dont know if you can find it or something like in the UK but I live on this stuff in the mountains...

Carrefour - Cassoulet au confiet du canard

Its probably why I'm a fat f*^ker
mickeyluv 04 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

curry supernoodles mixed with slices of chorizo and sultanas, so nice I eat it even when Im not hiking.
 y2keable 05 Aug 2014
In reply to simon manc:

I find myself taking these allot. They pack away really well, are nice and light, Really tasty and they can be found in asda & Tesco. They may be a little on the pricy side you only have to rip it open and heat in a pan for about 3 minutes.

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