A9 guy

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donal 08 Oct 2015
Has old guy on A9 verge been moved on he was there couple of weeks ago heard hes away anyone any info ,mybe police ,illness ?
Graeme G 08 Oct 2015
In reply to donal:

I wondered that too. From a hamlet of tents to nothing. Hope he's ok.
 Rob Parsons 08 Oct 2015
In reply to jamie84:

Good grief. Arrested and fined £1000 for hitting someone with a mug whilst his camp was being dismantled. Very sensitively handled ...
 jimjimjim 08 Oct 2015
In reply to donal:

Sad to hear. It's one of those situations that's
very difficult to deal with. If he was just left alone I would think all would of been fine but might not be the best thing to do, who knows. I hope he's okay in the long run. Poor guy.
 Hawky 08 Oct 2015
In reply to donal:

i used to pass him all the time and give a toot and a wave. friends used to stop and give him food he's a decent guy. he's was offered a house several times but he didn't want it.
never knew he cracked someone with a cup though.
last winter he was thought to have drowned as he used to go to the river and wash etc that river gets wild at times !
Itl be down to some stuck up person who couldn't help themselves but moan about him.
He kept the area clean and tidy always.
its a shame for him but hopefully now he will accept a house in Pitlochry or abouts.
 allanscott 12 Oct 2015
In reply to ryan p:

Can't agree that it's a shame he's been moved. If it had been ''travellers'' they'd have been moved on within days. He's no different even if he has ''issues'' with society. No sane person would chose to deliberately camp long term on the verge of a trunk road. I'm only surprised that he hasn't been the cause of one (or several) collisions. Certainly hope he's been moved on to somewhere sympathetic to his needs though.
 wbo 12 Oct 2015
In reply to donal:
That doesn't seem very charitable- some people don't fit in so well.

What exactly was he doing that so endangered the road user?
 Hawky 18 Oct 2015
In reply to allanscott:

why would he cause a collision ? he wasn't jumping all over the road. He was parked up in a lay by. you seen a very morbid person. how about sorting you're profile out instead if posting pointless comments on here. your a stranger with no profile !
 Hawky 18 Oct 2015
In reply to wbo:

well said. sounds like someone has issues to me.
drmarten 19 Oct 2015
In reply to allanscott:

Bollocks, he was no danger to anyone nor himself. The real disgrace is when authorities tell you they're doing something for "your own good", hiding behind officialdom and duty of care. If the A9 regulars had heard of this in advance there would have been a massive protest at the time of the eviction and he would still be there.
Good luck to him wherever he is.

 allanscott 19 Oct 2015
My profile (or lack thereof) is irrelevant. This gentleman was not in a layby. He was squatting on the grass verge of a major trunk road. I appreciate he may have personal problems but that does not give you a right to doss down semi-permanently by the road. I certainly hope he gets the support he most obviously needs. I expect he was finally relocated because of the works associated with the forthcoming dualling of the carriageway.
 digby 19 Oct 2015
In reply to donal:

> Perth Sheriff Court was told concerns had been raised by passers by the local community, with fears for the safety of road users due to large home-made signs Mr Ingram would occasionally display.

You can't go around erecting or waving large home made signs. It's not civilised. Occasional can lead to frequent. It was for the best.
 d_b 19 Oct 2015
In reply to digby:

Signs lead to posters, posters lead to TV advertising slots, TV adverts lead to unwanted popups on news sites!

Just be glad it didn't get as far as sky writing.
 Simon Caldwell 19 Oct 2015
In reply to ryan p:

> why would he cause a collision ?

because he was camped right by the road with several hard-to-read placards on show. people often used to slow down and try to read them, it wouldn't take much for an accident to occur as a result.
Removed User 19 Oct 2015
In reply to Simon Caldwell:

> people often used to slow down and try to read them, it wouldn't take much for an accident to occur as a result.

Wouldn't the blame lie with the people slowing down, rather than the sign they were trying to read?
 digby 19 Oct 2015
In reply to Simon Caldwell:
> because he was camped right by the road with several hard-to-read placards on show

I had no idea they were hard to read as well. But how can a large home made sign be hard to read? Did he try and cram too much information in?

It's a good job this madness has been stopped
Post edited at 14:35
 Simon Caldwell 19 Oct 2015
In reply to digby:

> Did he try and cram too much information in?

drmarten 19 Oct 2015
In reply to digby:
> I had no idea they were hard to read as well. But how can a large home made sign be hard to read? Did he try and cram too much information in?

> It's a good job this madness has been stopped

If people can't obey the regulations on home made sign font size then we can hardly be surprised that they face the full wrath of the law, it's practically terrorism. We can't have tourists coming to the Highlands and having to look at the font size on this guy's signs, we'd be the laughing stock of the font size world.
I've just sent an email to Transport Scotland asking them to do something about the distracting scenery we have here in Scotland, I have seen drivers slowing down to look at scenery in various locations, nearly killing the bus loads of orphans who follow every driver at an unsafe stopping distance.
I ask you all to join me in reporting these dangerous locations to Transport Scotland and together we can make the world a safer place, 10 metre blocking wall by 10 metre blocking wall.
God bless the authorities and all who adhere to her every demand.
Post edited at 17:13
 Rip van Winkle 20 Oct 2015
In reply to drmarten:

It's not just scenery. In my neck o' the woods people slow down to look at sheep in fields. They've become known as "Look-at-the-sheep"s. I'm installing signs saying "Don't slow down for sheep" in 8pt Comic Sans.
 graeme jackson 20 Oct 2015
In reply to drmarten:
Not too far from me there's 2 f*cking enormous horses heads right next to the f*cking M9. Imagine the f*cking carnage they've caused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F*cking car drivers should be given blinkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lusk 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Simon Caldwell:

> because he was camped right by the road with several hard-to-read placards on show. people often used to slow down and try to read them, it wouldn't take much for an accident to occur as a result.

Have you got any official statistics to show the increase in road carnage since this bloke camped up there?
 coolhand 20 Oct 2015
I could only ever make out the bit about a bent cop before I crashed into the car in front.

They clearly shifted him on before the dualling programme got that far to avoid bad press. Poor chap.

 Simon Caldwell 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Lusk:

Of course not, someone asked how he might cause a collision, so I gave my opinion as to how it could happen.

There are rules about what advertising can be displayed by the road due to exactly this sort of situation (people straining to read and taking their attention off the road as a result). So presumably the powers that be believe it to be of some significance.

Personally I'd have left him to it.

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