Walking the Bob Graham round

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 Ben Watts 20 Oct 2015

Looking at walking the Bob Graham round next week over 3-4 days and wild camping. Anyone with experience of this and hints and tips most appreciated.

 Bob 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Ben Watts:

I wrote some route cards for the UKH part of this site if you haven't seen them already. The line is getting quite worn in places these days so you shouldn't have much of a problem navigating, especially in the Back o' Skiddaw.

keep your kit weight down - you'll be carrying everything whereas the 24hr contenders have it all carried for them.
OP Ben Watts 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Bob:

I've printed the route cards off and they've been really helpful so far. It's just trying to work out an ideal starting place to make 2-3 wild camps across the route rather than B&B etc at the various road junctions.
 Bob 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Ben Watts:

I think I'd start at Dunmail Raise as it's the one road crossing with nothing there. Assuming you are going clockwise then:

Day one is to Wasdale and possibly a bit beyond. There's a water supply between Yewbarrow and Red Pike to the south of Dore Head plus a couple of tarns further on beneath Red Pike.

Day two: from there to the Keswick area. You can resupply either in the evening if you are going well or in the morning if you aren't. There's places to wild camp as you drop off Robinson around Scope Beck

Day three: depending on how you feel and how far you got the previous day, you could have two shortish days split near to Threlkeld or one long one to get back to the start.
 Mark Kemball 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Ben Watts:

I have had this idea on my "to do list" for quite a while, please let us know how you get on.
 Marek 20 Oct 2015
In reply to Ben Watts:

I did something like this a few years back. A key decision is whether to exploit pubs for meals or be completely self-sufficient. The former means you travel lighter but have to add some miles. You also need to do some homework as to where to find water near bivvy spots if you don't want to carry any more than you have to.

As an aside, when I did it, my watch died right at the start - it was the middle of summer - so I lost all sense of time. Quite liberating!


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