Majorca for toddlers

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 dctarrant2000 11 Feb 2016
We are looking at taking a family holiday to Majorca late spring. We will be taking our then to be 22 month old toddler with us, as well as grandparents (to babysit!). We hope to climb at least some of the time and would like to take our daughter to the crags on some days. Was wondering if anyone has any advice on where some of the more child friendly crags are on the Island and where best to be situated (where to get accommodation) relative to the crags. We haven't been to Majorca before. Looking for crags mostly with 6's grades on them.
 gazhbo 11 Feb 2016
In reply to dctarrant2000:

Soller is probably pretty good. Short walk in and beach, cafe, etc close by. I can't remember what the grades are like though.
OP dctarrant2000 19 Feb 2016
In reply to gazhbo:

Great thanks
 Heike 19 Feb 2016
In reply to dctarrant2000:

We went there last year with our then five year old and I think most crags that you find in the Rockfax Mallorca guidebook are good for kids. The longest walk-in was 30 minutes and most where a lot shorter, between 5-15 minutes.
We stayed near Puerto Pollcenca and everything was within reach. Longest drive was 1 .15 to the other end of the island, but no probs. Most things were quite close, 15-30 minutes drive.
 tjekel 19 Feb 2016
In reply to dctarrant2000:

cala magraner is pretty good, other areas are less convenient. in sa gubia, the righthand end of the crag is ok. mallorca definitely would not be my preferred place to go with a toddler. many places in france are much better in this resepect (i.e. several ardeche crags, aureille, orgon, seynes, la turbie - just to mention a few).
 heleno 22 Feb 2016
In reply to dctarrant2000:

Another vote for Cala Magraner, one of our favourite crags when our kids were little, with climbing straight from the beach. Just a couple of caveats - the walk-in is easy but fairly long for a small child, especially uphill on the way back. Also, depending on sea conditions there can occasionally be a lot of seaweed, which can make the beach experience a bit disappointing.

You could also try Hairpin Wall (Caimari). Not usually a destination crag, but very accessible!

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