Live in Bournemouth or Plymouth?

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I've been offered a place to study at Plymouth and Bournemouth.. which is better for climbing and general outdoor stuff like surfing/cycling?

I've also been offered a place at Sheffield (probably the best for climbing I know but its far from my family..) and also a job at the Wye Valley - but I am leaning more towards living by the coast.

Would be really grateful for advice from anyone who has been to these places!


Megan x

 Neil Williams 20 Dec 2019
In reply to Blondie_Megan94:

My personal view is that Bournemouth is a much nicer place of the two, though that's only from short visits to each.  More expensive, though.

 Dan Arkle 20 Dec 2019

In reply to:

Plymouth is better for general outdoors stuff. You'll need a car though. North Cornwall is close for surfing. Dartmoor is beautiful for biking, camping and exploring. Dartmoor climbing is good, and If you like bouldering its great. 

If you are mostly into climbing then Bournemouth may be better. The sport climbing is better at portland, and Swanage has some excellent trad. 

 gooberman-hill 20 Dec 2019
In reply to Neil Williams:

I did my PhD in Plymouth - and I had a brilliant time. There is lots of good climbing in the area, ranging from Torbay (Limestone - trad and sport), Dartmoor (trad granite outcrops - a bit like grit really), North Devon (ranging from the sublime to the esoteric, with some big trad leads) through to Cornwall (sea cliff heaven). You can probably climb as hard in the SW as you can in Sheffield, with probably more variety of rock types.

Additionally there is great mountain biking and running both on the coast and inland on Dartmoor, there is sailing in Plymouth Sound, and beach activities (including some good surfing and kiteboarding ) in the area - the closest surf is Bantham / bigbury, Mothercombe and Whitsands.

Additionally, the night life in Plymouth wasn't bad when I was there


 Derry 21 Dec 2019
In reply to gooberman-hill:

Bournemouth is a great city for student life/nightlife, however, if you are looking for access to the outdoors it doesn't compare to Plymouth. sPortland is almost 1hr30 away depending where you live and swanage can be an hour before you even ab in! Surfing is ok, but again, doesn't compare to what's further SW. 

I live in Dorset, but love going down to Devon esp dartmoor. 

 Mark Haward 22 Dec 2019
In reply to Blondie_Megan94:

Plymouth is not the nicest city centre but does have some beautiful parts. Accommodation is likely to be much cheaper than Bournemouth. For the  outdoors Plymouth is a great place. Great surfing, sailing, snorkelling and diving. Fantastic cycling especially on Dartmoor. Wonderful bouldering, walking, wild camping, trad and sports routes. As someone else has said, North Devon and Cornwall has great trad climbing. Vibrant night life in Plymouth too!

 Toby_W 22 Dec 2019
In reply to Blondie_Megan94:

What subject are you doing?

i love Plymouth, it has the odd rough edge but everything around it is wonderful for the outdoors side of things and I love the wildness of the weather and landscapes nearby.  There is the climbing wall at the life centre and a big new bouldering place everyone is enjoying.

good luck.


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