DIY anti-balling plates

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stuj 28 Jun 2004
I have a pair of Camp step in crampons and want some antiballing plates. i have seen DIY anti balling plates made from plastic glued to the crampons. anyone ever tried this as i cant be arsed to fork out for some proper ones.
OP EB 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj: cut out cardboard to fit the crampon then cover it in ductape and then tape to the crampon
Norrie Muir 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj:

Dear stu

You do not need anti-balling plates if you do as I do - walk on firm snow.

MattHarding 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj:

This is what I do:
Take a couple of 2 litre coke bottles, cut out forms to fit in the crampons, and wire them into place using thin wire and duct tape. They will generally last a season before disintegrating.
simon.a 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj:
Just wrap some silver gaffer tape round them. Job done for a few trips!
Skinny Dave 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj:

I've never tried it but bike inner tubes look like similar material to the AB plates I once borrowed. Anyone butchered a tube for this purpose?
OP Gareth 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj: gaffer tape, plain and simple, don't bother with cardboard or anything else. Have been using it for years with no problems
 Sean_J 28 Jun 2004
In reply to stuj: I know someone who made some out of beer cans! They've lasted a fair while, and seem to work OK.

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