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Climbs 50
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 207m a.s.l
Faces S

Crag features

A set of buttresses set in pleasant parkland above the river; a very pleasant setting for pic-nics as well as climbing! There is a hard parking area with toilets at the right end of the crag. There's even a bouldering traverse area at the left end with glue-on holds!

It IS a bit neglected now; considerably more vegetation in the breaks than in the photos in the 2020 guide - and two sectors have bird bans.

Approach notes

From the D673 Dole/Besancon road turn south at the roundabout into the small town of Rochefort sur Nenon..

Follow the main road with curves down towards the river and turn left immediately before the bridge on to 'Sous Les Rochers'. You're there!

Access Advice

Secteur 4 has a ban for Merganzer ducks (!!) possibly year round. Secteur 5 has a seasonal ban for Peregrine's. Bans currently (2024) indicated by hazard tape along the base of the sectors involved.

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